Wednesday, September 19, 2012

SPD Party Presentation and Thoughts


I’ve never been the biggest fan of doing group projects.  In most cases I prefer to work solo or at most I would prefer to work someone else that I know or a group of people that I’m fairly comfortable with if the group must be a certain size.  I will admit this group project went quite well and in the end was pretty smooth.  I enjoyed all my group members which isn’t always the case when working with other people.  Everyone managed to pull their weight which is always fantastic because no one wants to be stuck doing their part and someone else’s.  The toughest thing about working with a large group in this case was simply coordination between all the members.  When you have a large group such as ours of 8 people everyone has different schedules and it’s almost impossible to get everyone together, at most we were only to get 4 people together at a time.  In the end this didn’t seem to be much of a problem at all and everyone got done what they needed to do.  The benefit I can see in large groups is once everything is coordinated it can make the project much smoother because it allows tasks to be divided more easily and the task becomes less daunting as opposed to working by yourself or in a smaller team.  Also it allows more opportunity to help group members out if someone doesn’t quite understand their task or couldn’t quite grasp a subject.  At the end of the day I’m still mostly opposed to having to work in large groups but I did enjoy the ability to divide the work up easily which takes the load off on trying to get all the info for a large party which wouldn’t be quite so easy in a smaller group.  I would be more than happy to work with the same group of individuals again.  As for the resources I used it was mainly Wikipedia as the information I had to find was quite basic so Wikipedia was a more than credible source for my task.   What were my thoughts on my party?  I would certainly vote for the Social Democratic Party.  I like their push towards renewable energy and creation of jobs and for closing more hazardous energy sources like nuclear power plants.  I like their stands for welfare but having a market economy being a driving factor and how they stand up for civil and political rights.  I also find that being the oldest party gives them experience that other parties just can’t match.  All in all I think it’s a solid party choice for many people and it would certainly have my vote.

Group members
Al Abbad, Mustafa M
Goedeke, Amanda R
Mueller, Jacob J
Hamre, Tess K
Louiselle, Thomas J
Wacholz, William L
Pfaff, Kindra K
Branch, Mackenzie J